Blog » 2012 » Tháng 3 » 3 » 56 Sắc cầu vòng trong excel (phần 2)
9:51 PM 56 Sắc cầu vòng trong excel (phần 2) |
VI. Tạo bảng màu, tên màu & chỉ số của 56 màu
Option Explicit
Sub colors56() '57 colors, 0 to 56
Const Cot = 5: Const Hang = 1
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual 'pre XL97 xlManual
Dim iZ As Long
Dim str0 As String, str As String
For iZ = 0 To 56
Cells(iZ + Hang, 1 + Cot).Interior.ColorIndex = iZ
Cells(iZ + Hang, 1 + Cot).Value = "[Color " & iZ & "]"
Cells(iZ + Hang, 2 + Cot).Font.ColorIndex = iZ
Cells(iZ + Hang, 2 + Cot).Value = "[Color " & iZ & "]"
str0 = Right("000000" & Hex(Cells(iZ + 1, 1 + Cot).Interior.CoLor), 6)
'Excel shows nibbles in reverse order so make it as RGB
str = Right(str0, 2) & Mid(str0, 3, 2) & Left(str0, 2)
'generating 2 columns in the HTML table
Cells(iZ + Hang, 3 + Cot) = "#" & str & "#" & str & ""
Cells(iZ + Hang, 4 + Cot).Formula = "=Hex2dec(""" & Right(str0, 2) & """)"
Cells(iZ + Hang, 5 + Cot).Formula = "=Hex2dec(""" & Mid(str0, 3, 2) & """)"
Cells(iZ + Hang, 6 + Cot).Formula = "=Hex2dec(""" & Left(str0, 2) & """)"
Cells(iZ + Hang, 7 + Cot) = "[Color " & iZ & "]"
Next iZ
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic 'pre XL97 xlAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
VII. Hàm trả về các dạng biểu thị chỉ số màu nền của ô được chỉ định
Function ShowColor(rRange As Range, Loai As String)
Dim sColor As String
sColor = Right("000000" & Hex(rRange.Interior.CoLor), 6)
sColor = Right(sColor, 2) & Mid(sColor, 3, 2) & Left(sColor, 2)
Select Case UCase$(Loai)
Case "H"
ShowColor = sColor
Case "I"
ShowColor = rRange.Interior.ColorIndex
Case "F"
ShowColor = rRange.Font.ColorIndex
Case "T"
ShowColor = "#" & sColor
Case Else
End Select
End Function
VIII. Các hàm tính toán trên cơ sỏ màu nền của các ô
Function ColorFunction(ColorCell As Range, rRange As Range, Optional TuyBien As String)
Dim vResult, iCell As Range: Dim iIndex As Long, Dem As Long
'Written by Ozgrid Business Applications
'Sums or counts cells based on a specified fill color.
If TuyBien = "" Then TuyBien = "T"
iIndex = ColorCell.Interior.ColorIndex
For Each iCell In rRange
If iCell.Interior.ColorIndex = iIndex Then
Dem = 1 + Dem
vResult = WorksheetFunction.SUM(iCell, vResult)
End If
Next iCell
Select Case UCase$(TuyBien)
Case "D"
vResult = Dem
Case "V"
vResult = vResult / Dem
Case Else
End Select
ColorFunction = vResult
End Functd9i5I
Sub DoiMau()
Color_Change Selection
End Sub
IX. Tô màu tương ứng cho các ô theo giá trị của ô:
Private Sub Color_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim rgArea As Range, rgCell As Range
Dim iColor As Integer
' Get the intersect of the target & the proper range
Set Target = Intersect(Target, Range("A11:D28"))
If (Not Target Is Nothing) Then ' If this intersection exists
For Each rgArea In Target.Areas ' For each subsection of the selection
For Each rgCell In rgArea.Cells ' For each cell of the subsection
If rgCell.Value < 56 And rgCell.Value > 0 Then
rgCell.Interior.ColorIndex = Int(rgCell.Value)
rgCell.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
End If
Next rgCell, rgArea
End If
End Sub
X. Tìm màu nền tương ứng với màu Font
Sub RealInvertColors()
Dim Rng As Range
Dim reD As Double, bLue As Double, gReen As Double, CoLor As Double
Set Rng = Selection
CoLor = Rng.Font.CoLor: MsgBox str(CoLor), , "Font Color:"
reD = CoLor Mod 256: MsgBox str(reD), , "RED Color:"
CoLor = (CoLor - reD) / 256: MsgBox str(CoLor), , "(Color - RED)/256:"
gReen = CoLor Mod 256: MsgBox str(gReen), , "Green Color:"
bLue = (CoLor - gReen) / 256: MsgBox str(bLue), , "Blue Color:"
reD = 255 - reD
gReen = 255 - gReen
bLue = 255 - bLue
' CoLor = 255 * 255 * blue + 255 * green + red
' MsgBox str(CoLor)
Selection.Interior.CoLor = RGB(reD, gReen, bLue)
End Sub
XI. Tìm các ô chứa giá trị chuỗi "JjWwZz"
Sub SelectJjWwZz()[/B]
Dim RgJjWwZz As Range, RgNext As Range, FirstAddress As Range
With ActiveSheet.Cells
Set RgNext = .Find(What:="JjWwZz", After:=Range("A1"), LookIn:=xlValues)
If Not RgNext Is Nothing Then 'Neu Tim Thay
Set FirstAddress = RgNext
Set RgJjWwZz = RgNext
Set RgNext = .FindNext(RgNext)
Set RgJjWwZz = Union(RgJjWwZz, RgNext)
Loop While RgNext Is Nothing Or RgNext.Address <> FirstAddress.Address
End If
End With
End Sub
XII.Tim "Jn" trong các tên cuả WorkBook , màu đỏ thì đổi thành trắng
Sub HighLightNames()
Dim Jn As Name
On Error Resume Next
For Each Jn In ThisWorkbook.Names
If Not Range(Jn).Interior.ColorIndex = 3 Then
Range(Jn).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
Else: Range(Jn).Interior.ColorIndex = 0
End If
Next Jn
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
XIII. Các bạn tự tìm hiểu :
Sub PhAn()
Dim StrC As String, FirstAddress As String
Dim uRange, Jz As Integer
StrC = InputBox("HAY CHON FUONG AN:")
With Worksheets("S2").Range("A2:C25")
Select Case UCase$(StrC)
Case "B" 'Blanks: Count
Set uRange = Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks)
If Not uRange Is Nothing Then
FirstAddress = uRange.Address
Jz = Jz + 1
Loop While Not uRange Is Nothing And uRange.Address <> FirstAddress
End If
Case "C" 'Consts: Count
Set uRange = Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, 23)
If Not uRange Is Nothing Then
FirstAddress = uRange.Address
Jz = Jz + 1
Loop While Not uRange Is Nothing And uRange.Address <> FirstAddress
End If
Case "F" 'Formulas => Value 5
Set uRange = Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas, 23)
If Not uRange Is Nothing Then
FirstAddress = uRange.Address
uRange.Value = 5
Set uRange = .FindNext(uRange)
Jz = Jz + 1
Loop While Not uRange Is Nothing And uRange.Address <> FirstAddress
End If
Case "T" 'Find Value= 5 => '=A20'
Set uRange = .Find("5", LookIn:=xlValues)
If Not uRange Is Nothing Then
FirstAddress = uRange.Address
uRange.Value = "=$A$20"
Set uRange = .FindNext(uRange)
Jz = Jz + 1
Loop While Not uRange Is Nothing And uRange.Address <> FirstAddress
End If
End Select
MsgBox FirstAddress, , str(Jz)
End With
End Sub
PHP Code:
Option Explicit Dim iDem As Integer Sub ColorChange() Dim Dat As Date: Dim cRng As Range Will make range of cells, or single cell change colors _ at 1 second intervals (Written by OzGrid.com) Dat = Now Application.OnTime Dat + TimeValue("00:00:01"), "ColorChange" iDem = iDem + 1 Set cRng = Choose(iDem, [C2], [D2], [E2], [F2], [g2], [g2]) Range("C2:G2").Interior.ColorIndex = 0 cRng.Interior.ColorIndex = Choose(iDem, 3, 36, 50, 7, 34, 0) If iDem = 6 Then iDem = 0 Application.OnTime Dat + TimeValue("00:00:01"), "ColorChange", , False End If End Sub
Chuyên mục: Tin công nghệ tổng hợp |
Xem: 508 |
Tạo bởi: handcock
| Đánh giá: 0.0/0 |